We are not only in Wilson county; we are for Wilson county.

As you begin to explore the data for Wilson County, it is clear there is a very real need for serving with compassion and offering real hope.

  • Over 70,000 individuals within Wilson County have no religious affiliation.
  • Approximately 300 children within the county have been identified as homeless.

The Glade Church has strategically identified the following areas to engage: Homelessness, Automotive, Quilt, Orphan Care, Hunger, Family Assistance, Education, and Charis Ministry.


There is a great need for transportation in society today. It provides opportunities to get to and from work, school, and other obligations families might have. According to the latest US census update, there are approximately 500 households within Wilson County that do not have their own mode of transportation.

As a practical way to serve with compassion and offer real hope, the automotive ministry gathers and rehabilitates automobiles that have been donated to The Glade Church. The cars are then given to families needing dependable transportation for work, family needs, and life. We feel it is important to do everything we can to provide dependable transportation to families who don’t have it, while at the same time clearly communicating the real hope of the gospel. If God has given you the ability to work on cars, this could be a great ministry for you.

If you have questions or would like to serve in the automotive ministry please contact Melissa Eubanks.


Thousands of people across Wilson County and middle Tennessee are facing health challenges of all different levels. In addition, there is a large number of individuals who are facing these challenges without the benefit of having health insurance. The benefit of having access to necessary healthcare is often overlooked but always necessary.

Charis Health Clinic was created to provide health care for those individuals without health insurance. The Charis Health Center operates as a primary care doctor's office providing service to the medically uninsured in the Wilson County area. With support from the community and churches like The Glade Church, they are able to minimize the cost for their patients.

For more information call 615-444-2627 or 615-773-5785.


The Family Assistance ministry at The Glade Church is designed to provide direct assistance for utility bill expenses for individuals and families who have experienced a financial crisis. Each family seeking assistance is met with, prayed over, and invited to join us here at The Glade for worship. The families are asked to attend a Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey held periodically here at The Glade Church at no cost to them. Since family assistance at The Glade is designed to be used as a last resort, these families come searching for a sense of hope. It is our prayer that the assistance provided goes far beyond any sort of monetary value as we deliver real hope in conversation. Our Family Assistance Team works diligently to ensure good stewardship of both funds and conversation. The main goal is to meet the temporary need for financial assistance and the eternal need for a Savior. 

For information on the Family Assistance Ministry please contact Melissa Eubanks.


As the city of Mount Juliet, and Wilson County as a whole, continue to grow, it is easy to look at the growth and prosperity and look past the poverty that is a reality for hundreds of individuals and families. In the state of Tennessee, there are approximately 11,000 individuals who are considered homeless. Although most of us have not experienced the realities of not having somewhere to lay our head down at night, it is a reality for hundreds of people in Wilson County. In the county, there are approximately 500 students (elementary, middle school, and high school) whose families would identify as being homeless. We can’t be ok with homelessness therefore we have strategically developed partnerships to eradicate the issue of homelessness in Wilson County and beyond.

Compassionate Hands exists to provide opportunities to serve, support, advocate, and befriend neighbors in need. They provide food and shelter for homeless guests every night throughout the year. The ministry started by providing shelter and food in the winter months and has recently expanded to be in operation for a full twelve months. In 2022/2023 alone, they housed over 200 people in their shelters working to provide counseling, job placement, mental health evaluations, etc.

For information on Compassionate Hands contact Mark Taylor.


There are people, right here in Wilson County who struggle to put food on their table. Adults, children, and entire families go to bed hungry every night. Poverty is real, even here in Wilson County. There will always be individuals and families who have fallen on the difficulties of life and struggle to put food on the table. Proverbs 14:31 says “The one who oppresses the poor person insults his Maker, but one who is kind to the needy honors him.” We at The Glade Church seek to provide assistance in the area of hunger whenever possible.

For information on any of our Hunger-based ministries contact Melissa Eubanks.

The Food Pantry at The Glade Church exists as a practical way to serve people with compassion. Food boxes are available Monday thru Thursday from 8am - 4pm for individuals and families to pick up from The Glade Church. Every food box is designed to feed a family of four for about a week.


James 1:27 says “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” We firmly believe it is the responsibility of believers to look after and care for the orphans. We do that in a variety of ways here at The Glade Church. We strive to empower and equip families who are looking to either adopt or foster. In addition, we work alongside several organizations that specialize in adoption, foster care, respite care, and a variety of other avenues related to caring for the fatherless. One in five children that age out of foster care ends up homeless. 

For information on any of our Orphan Care ministries contact Mark Taylor.

Adoption and Foster Care Ministry - For Glade Church families looking to adopt or foster, there is an adoption scholarship as well as a foster care scholarship available. The scholarships are designed to help offset the cost of foster care and adoption.

Small World Adoption Agency seeks to preserve and enhance the lives of children at home and around the world. They have and continue to be instrumental for families here at The Glade Church walking through the adoption process. For more information Click here to visit Small World Adoption Agency website

Palmer Home for Children (Jonah's Journey) provides a safe place for vulnerable children to call home with superior care while introducing the love of God. Palmer Home offers Campus Care, Foster Care, and Family Care for children and Transitional Care for young adults. For more information Click here to visit Palmer Home for Children website.


In addition to orphan care, The Glade Church cares for the vulnerable by partnering with the pregnancy care center in Old Hickory, Tennessee. The Pregnancy Care Center Empowers individuals to make life-affirming decisions through education, counseling, and compassionate care, based on the ministry of Jesus Christ. Pregnancy Care Center does not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control. For more information Click here to visit Pregnancy Care Center website.


The Peace * Love * Quilt ministry at The Glade Church exists to serve with compassion and offer real hope by working together to create quilts to be sent all around the world. In doing so, the quilt ministry seeks to provide comfort and love by communicating the real hope of Jesus Christ to those who are experiencing emotional, spiritual, or mental stress.

It is the prayer of The Glade Church and the quilt ministry that each quilt would become a physical expression of care and concern to the recipient. Each quilt that is given away is prayed over and is delivered with a card of encouragement for the recipient.

For information on the Quilt Ministry, please contact Sarah Craig or click here to submit a request for a quilt.